I never think birthday is so special until I have a baby, then I realize that wow its such a huge bless to get another older with my family around.
I used to celebrate my birthday with Marching around as I was a member of Mandarava Marching Band for about 6 years. So could you imagine for 6 years, I was celebrating my birthday on the road,sunny day,uniform, marching,and playing music with my trumpet? and once I sat on the Istana Merdeka joining their music orchestra and played beautiful songs for my country...
Well its a very nice memorable of my birthday. So,with those condition, I never expected somebody give me a gifts or wishes(though Im always happyly to receive hohoo...

And these years, I celebrated my 3. birthday with my chocolate cake,share it with my Indonesian friends,neighbours and people in the temple.
Had small gathering with friends in Crepes &Waffles(the idea was red&white as this year first time I know there is another 4 Indonesians in Panama,but no one use red or white hahhaha), meanwhile my hubby taking care of my Jasmita, and got gifts from them(I was sooo sosososososososo happy,really I didnt expect it from them)
The only bad part was,170808 is the day and the loteria(lottery number that won for USD2500 was 710888) damn, I was a bit shocked to know.If I bought that number Im gonna get USD2500(well... its really a birthday if I won this lottery,hik)as I bought number 77, and was thinking to buy 170888... but thats more hurting I guess,if I bought 170888 and the number won was 710888.
Promise to my self, next year Im gonna buy lottery and put 710889 or 170809,or 170889..or perhaps friends u wanna share any idea for the rite number??
wowww ternyata elo ultah fon..:D, happy belated birthday yaaaa....moga sehat selalu :D
gw gk punya the right number soalle kalau beli jackpot lottere angot2 an udah gitu cuma 1 dollar pula (kagak modal gw).
Happy belated b'day yah
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