I do miss Bread Talk, Delicious Bakery, Suisse, or Holand Bakery(I love LOng JOhn,still wondering how to make),J-CO and other bakery shops from Jakarta.
Gue jadi inget almarhumah Inong Haris (Dapur BUnda),She´s the one who inspired me to make bread for the 1st time.Si bunda yang tiap hari gue bisa laporan by YM,and left a comment on my story about my 1st bread.
Rest in Peace,Bun. This is my bread picture for the recipe that u share to us.
Ohhh,I have to stop this story before I start to cry.
ih daku pengen j-co juga! bread kamu bagus fon, dikau jago baking deh!
buset rit, jago apanya..ini mah masih cetek bener dibanding yang orang lain. itu roti aja modelnya gitu doang hehehe
fon...bread emang ga ada matinya, ;P gue kalo bkkin napa ga bisa empuk ya ;(( kalo baru keluar oven sih endang pas dibesokin jadi keras..punya tips ga loe ;D sengkiyuuu
plok plok plok... mantep nih bread nya. Iya loh kalau gw ke indo pasti mampir ke toko roti. saking kangen dgn jenis2 roti di indo yg bermacam macam.
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