June 28, 2006


Nih resep roti yang bikin remuk tangan.. kalau pake mixer pasti asik banget
Thx tuk Bunda yang udah baik banget bagi2 resep Manfred Lange&BBC

Recipe from Dapur Bunda
Modified by me

500 gr bread flour
125 gr sugar
1/2 sdt salt
1 sdt bread improver
1 egg
125 ml milk
125 ml water
22 gr Instant yeast
80 gr salted butter

Filling: Chocolate & Grated Cheddar cheese
For top: egg yolk & honey


Mix flour,sugar,salt & bread improver. Mix well.
Add egg,milk, butter, water& instant yeast.
Make a dough, knead well.
Set aside for 30 minutes.
Take dough @30gr, fill with the filling and make a shape.
Brush on top of each bread dough with topping and baked it for 15 minutes, 180C.

(Kalo gue, karena engga punya gula biasa terpaksa pake gula bubuk and jadi 175 gr, kemarin juga krn bread flr hanya punya 457 gr, sisanya gue pake terigu serbaguna,dan air yg digunakan engga 125 ml..kyknya hanya 100 ml, untuk olesan hanya gunakan kuning telur krn engga ada stok madu dirumah)

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