October 8, 2007

My Paris Brest-KBB 1

Paris Brest with clear toffee sampai tidak bisa dibentuk and menempel semua ditangan...

And hasilnya, sedikit keras tidak lembut seperti kue sus dibayangan..hehee..tp masih bisa dimakan kok tidak seperti batu..

Aku buat seperti resep lingkaran 4cm, jadinya imut2 lucu deh... tadinya sempet bingung nah lo gue potongnya gimana ya panas2? oh ternyata setelah keluar dari oven tidak terlalu panas and cukup dengan towel and pisau biasa langsung bisa dipotong and dipanggang lagi sampai dengan kecoklatan sedikit...

Aku gunakan almond sebagai toping, and custardnya aku tambahkan rum 1 1/2 tsp and dicampur dengan vanila essence 1 tsp...

Jadinya beneran 8 pieces Paris Brest.. aku suka banget dengan custardnya...jadi teringat my gateau african yang pakai custard tp waktu aku praktekin custardnya terlalu encer jadi jelek... next time aku mau buat gateau lagi dengan custard ini deh...

Muchas Gracias mbak arfi, tuk accepting me as a member....jadi bisa belajar banyak nanti ...

Nanti dikasih tau ya, toffee-nya itu harusnya bagaimana sih? apakah memang menjadi keras?

August 23, 2007

The famous Délidas Pikante

For spicy lover, u gonna need to try this chili sauce. The famous one in Panama. It mades from pikante combo, the small,round chili,even we put little u gonna feel the taste of chili.

Délidas is the best brand in Panama.

August 21, 2007

Flan ricotta cheese

Another kind of flan.
With ricotta, its giving a different taste from the ordinary one.


250 gr ricotta cheese
4 egg yolk - I used 3 only
100 gr sugar
200 cc whipping cream
200 cc milk or replace with 400cc evaporated milk

For Caramel:

Heat 50 gr sugar & 2 tbsp water. Soon after caramelized, pour to the pudding mold. And set aside.

In other bowl,

Beat egg yolk & sugar until soft, add in the ricotta cheese,milk & whipping cream. Mix well. Pour in to the pudding mold. Bake with au bon marie, for 45 minutes or until the cake tester comes out clean.

August 10, 2007


One of my favourite food. I tried to make it by mixing the green lentil with chickpeas.

1/2 tsp Coriander powder
Fresh Cilantro and parsley leaves
3/4 cup lentil,
1/3 cup Chickpeas,
3 cloves garlic,
1/2 of 1 onion
Chili( kalau mau ada rasa pedes),fresh Parsley, 1tspcornflour, Oil for frying
1 tsp cornflour
1/2 tsp garam masala(Indian spices,if have)
Oil for frying
Soak lentil & chickpeas overnight, cook cheekpeas till tender, and put everything in grinder... taste it...

Heat oil, and put batter with spoon, fry till golden brown... garnish with salad or tahini paste on top of falafel. Serve with hommus and pita bread.

Hommus( deeping )

Chik peas/gorbonzos (1/4 cup soak overnite and cook till tender), garlic( 1 clove), salt, 1tsp olive oil,4 tbsp sesame paste(tahini), juice of lemon. Grind all ingredients..for garnish put little olive oil, and parsley

May 24, 2007


Sebelumnya pernah bikin brownies dengan menggunakan unsweetened choc.bar dari hersey´s sehubungan dengan recipe yang tertera dibelakang kemasan. Hasilnya aduhai deh.
Sayangnya,gue engga keep recipe itu dengan pikiran pasti akan terus ada dikemasan coklat yang sama nantinya.
And ternyata gue salah.Gue baru beli coklat yang sama ternyata recipe sudah tidak tertera, uh menyesal banget.
Akhirnya coba browsing ke webnya Hershey´s dan ketemu dengan resep ini yang tidak perlu menggunakan coklat bar. Ya dicoba deh and hasilnya mmmmm gue suka juga.

1/2 cup ( 1 stick) butter or margarine, melted
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1/3 cup hershey;s cocoa
1/4 tsp bkg powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup chopped nuts( optional)
and Creamy Brownie Frosting

Recipe for the frosting( for 1 cup frostin) :
3 tbsp butter or margarine softened
3 tbsp hersey;s cocoa
1 tbsp light corn syrup or honey ( i used honey)
1/2 tsp vanila extract
1 cup powder sugar
2 tbsp milk

Heat oven, grease 9 inch square baking pan
Beat eggs,sugar & vanilla.
Add butter,beat till well combine
Put flour,salt& baking powder , mix all well
Put nuts, stir well.
ANd bake

for frosting : Beat butter,coca, and honey till blended then add vanilla,sugar& mix.. beat again till well combine.

May 5, 2007

Cake lapis Strawberry

DUh ini cake juga enak banget..
Sepotong engga cukup... ketagihan deh..
Selama ini sih blom pernah menggunakan dekorasi karena disini kok gue blom pernah liat heavy cream,so cukup bolu coklatnya aja sudah aduhai banget... Semua yang dibagi ketagihan sampe nagih untuk bikin lagi and bilang pls send anything u make to office( one of my husband's colleague said)heheehh

SOurce : Femina edisi?? lupaaa udah lama banget ada dibuku gue tp baru dipraktekin

4 btr telur ayam kocok lepas
250 gr sugar
200 gr mentega lelehkan
100 gr terigu, ayak
25 gr coklat bubuk
50 gr kacang almond panggang cincang kasar
400 ml heavy cream, kocok s/d mengembang

Hiasan: 150 gr coklat masak pekat, serut
250 gr strawberry

Siapkan 2 loyang bulat diameter 22 cm tinggi 3 cm
olesi margarin & taburi terigu
Kocok telur s/d berbusa,masukan gula kocok s/d larut
Masukan mentega cair, aduk rata.
Tambahkan terigu, coklat bubuk, almond. Aduk rata
Bagi adonan jadi 2 bagian
Tuang masign2 ke dalam loyang ratakan.
Panggang 30 menit or s/d matang. Biarkan hingga akan dingin
Keluarkan dari loyang, olesi atas dengan krim itu dan tutup dengan strawberry potong.tutp lagi dengan 1bagian cake. olesi s/d rata

Hias lagi deh dengan coklat serut & strawberry

Mocca cake

First time I baked a cake and put butter cream for decoration.
Made it special for my husband bday on 23-10-2005
Quite scary for me while he tried to eat that as it first time made
The recipe I got frow browsing the internet.. I had combined the recipes that I've got thats why the cake become so hmmmmmm...
The moment of that really unforgettable.. first bite and we both only said mmmm yummm
Then we sent to my husband's boss house and they all love it..especially her youngest kid, he said loudly mama I like the cake its so yummy..... Wawww IM so proud ...


3 eggs
2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2tspn bkg powder
1/2 cup milk powder
1 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla

beat eggs ,sugar & butter till mix well
add flour,cinnamon,vanilla, milk& bkg powder mix well
Pour to mold and bake...

For Icing

6 tbsp butter
3 cups sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
7 tbsp hotcoffee

Beat all the ingredients..

Happy moccaaaa

Fritter eggplant mix

Actually these 2 vegetables are the most vegetables that hubby doesnt like.But I sometimes buy for variety of dishes.I tried to mixed them both become a fritter.Its come very nice and hubby ate without complaint.

1 big Eggplant
1 corn
2 chilies
Bread crumbs
Corn flour
Little garam masala
Little salt
Little pepper
2 cloves garlic
OIl to fry

Boil the eggplant& corn till tender
WIth a blender, grind together all ingredients
Make a circles, and deep fry till golden brown.

SImple and tasty


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